Saturday 28 February 2009

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Multitudes of ballet schools exist which have brilliant teachers imparting ballet lessons to people of all ages. Apart from the normal ballet lessons, there are even summer intensive courses and some special courses for children aged 3 or 4 years. Such courses help to tune in their movements to music.

Some good ballet schools are The Classical Ballet School, Ballet Academy, Boston Ballet School, Russian Ballet School, School of American Ballet, the San Francisco Ballet School, and Canada's Royal Winnipeg Ballet besides many others.

Such schools offer both beginners classes as well as classes for training professionals with live music accompanying instructions and training. Some of them like The Joffrey Ballet School among others also offer placement opportunities, besides giving ballet classes.

Some non-profit schools include American Repertory Ballet's Princeton Ballet School and The Ballet School at Stamford. Classes in the former school include both children and adults. Some classes are for ages 4 to 9, while the rest like the, "adult open enrollment classes" take people aged from 13 to 70. With a relaxed atmosphere in the classes and live music, such classes make learning a pleasure.

The latter-mentioned school, however, has a number of classes, each suited for different levels of learning such as "pre-ballet," "ower school," "middle school," "upper school," "supplementary classes," "pre-professional classes," and finally "the adult classes." $14 is charged for each adult class, but it comes even cheaper if we buy class cards which are valid for some months.

Coming under the banner of top institutes, Pacific Northwest Ballet offers numerous classes for children and adults. Its classes run in two semesters -fall and spring- and to enroll in it, we have to just fill up a registration form. Classes for adults are divided into different levels like "beginning," "intermediate," and "advanced." Class cards are available which are much cheaper than the class fees.

Besides the regular classes, some institutes like Ballet Academy and Shan-Yee Poon Ballet School have certain special elements attached to their classes. While the former allows observation classes where parents can actually know how their kids are taught, the latter allows for free trial classes in the spring semester, 2006.

School of American Ballet, founded by George Balanchine and Lincoln Kirsten, also has extensive courses for everyone. Special classes for boys are provided by North Star Ballet School. Russian Ballet School offers graded classes, wherein students are placed according to their dancing abilities. For those interested in learning dances of different countries, here is a class called character dance - which helps us learn dances of different countries.

Ballet provides detailed information on Ballet, Ballet Shoes, Ballet Classes, Ballet Dancers and more. Ballet is affiliated with Ballet Flat Shoes.

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Tuesday 24 February 2009

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Sleek and feminine, this lovely thong is designed to hug every curve of your foot. The plush fitFOAM™ footbed pampers you with extreme comfort.

When it comes to choosing match types, many people get confused on how to go about it. Should you just go all broad, or all exact? Use all 3 or mix and match. What is the best and most effective way to use match types within the Google AdWords system? Well, let's break it down and evaluate the 3 match types and how they work
Broad Match Type

The broad match type is considered the default option (probably because it can spend the most money) which means that your ad will be eligible to be shown anytime a users search query contains your keyword, in any order, and plus similar phrases. Your ad will also be shown for singular and plural variations, synonyms and "other related terms". This can get a little tricky and a little costly, especially if you do not realize what Google is about to do

If you bid on tennis shoe your ad may be show when users type in the following search queries

Any order - tennis shoe, shoe tennis

Singular / Plurals - tennis shoe, tennis shoes

Similar phrases - shoe for tennis, I need tennis shoes

Synonyms - tennis dress, tennis cloths, tennis apparel, tennis outfit

Relevant terms - tennis sneakers, new balance, Adidas tennis clothing, (you might even get mapped to basketball shoes)

PROS of Broad Match

Broad match is great if you need to discover new keywords, especially ones that convert, find new keywords that you would never normally have thought of and generate for traffic to your site. If you are having a hard time coming up with a keyword list or have low traffic volumes then use broad match to cover many more keyword possibilities without physically having to think of them on your own.

Broad match is great for keyword discovery, getting volume, covering many keyword possibilities and marketers with keyword mental block.

CONS of Broad Match

Broad match is bad for marketers with limited budgets. Since there are millions of searches done per day on Google's network, it can get very costly to get mapped to an endless selection of keywords. Many niches with high volumes include make money, dating, health, and free stuff.

If your marketing in one of these niches broad match can blow your budget within hours so be sure to choose your keywords wisely and be ready to use many negatives to help reduce and remove untargeted traffic.

Phrase Match Type

The phrase match type works like broad match. It will match you to many keyword variations, however the variations are restricted to the keyword order that you specified. With phrase match your ad can only be mapped to a search query when a user's search term contains your term exactly as typed plus anything before or after your keyword.

If you bid on "tennis shoe" your ad may be show when users type in the following search queries

Anything Before - red tennis shoe, green tennis shoe, cheap tennis shoe

Anything After - tennis shoe sale, tennis shoe online, tennis shoe fdsafragdfa

You will never be mapped to shoe tennis, tennis shoes, shoes for tennis, tennis sneakers, or any other variations.

PROS of Phrase Match

Phrase match will not spend as much as broad match, will be more targeted traffic than broad match, and will get more search volume than exact match. Phrase match will never be mapped to "related" search queries that are not really related. If you are in an industry with lots of search variations or are afraid that broad match may blow your budget to fast then phrase match may be a better option for you

CONS of Phrase Match

Since phrase match only maps you to exact keyword variations you lose out on finding goldmine keywords that you otherwise may never have thought of.

Exact Match Type

The exact match type is the most restrictive match type of them all. The only time your ad can be shown is if the users search query is exactly what you're bidding on. You will not get any other variations, related terms and you will not even get mapped to plurals and singulars. What you type is what you get in this situation

For example if you bid on [tennis shoe] your ad may be show when users type in the following search queries

Exact phrase - tennis shoe

That's it! You will never be mapped to shoe tennis, tennis shoes or any other variation.

PROS of Exact Match

Exact Match offers the most control over your campaign. You are bidding on exactly what the search user is looking for and your traffic will be highly targeted. Since your ad only shows up for the exact search term and no other variations, you will also have greater control over messaging to the search user, position of the text ad on the page, and the avg CPC paid per click. Since no other keywords can have effect on these factors you can easily manipulate the outcome in your favor. Any conversions resulting from this keyword can easily be tied back to the sale and therefore you can increase or decrease bid depending on if you want a higher position to capture more clicks or if you need to lower position to increase net profit per conversion

CONS of Exact Match

Exact match search volume is usually much less than Phrase or Broad match.

This article was provide by Robert Priolo for PPC Kings A blog that provide insider education and training on PPC marketing and campaign management. For more information on Broad Match, Phrase Match Exact Match for PPC marketing and other related subjects, please visit our main website.

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Monday 16 February 2009

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Some people have fought many years of their lives to preserve the rich heritage of the outdoors and nature we now enjoy. That dedication and effort has been rewarded by fantastic hiking opportunities in our local, state, and national park systems. In honor of their efforts, let's break out of our winter hibernation and venture into the crisp, clean outdoor air and hit some of those dirt trails. Let's Go Hiking!

Here are 4 steps to having an enjoyable hike, no matter where your feet decide to take you.

1. Know the area you will be hiking in to. Although many states, like California, Colorado, or Wyoming have exceptional hiking hot spots, even your local park will have some kind of useful information. Whether it's a website with information and trail details, or a map at the park office, trailhead, or visitor center, always check before you head out on your hike so you know what to expect.

2. Know the conditions you will be facing, wherever you go. Nothing is worse than traveling to a hiking destination only to miss the hike, because it was raining or freezing and you weren't prepared. If the trail is flooded out, or snowy conditions have shut it down for an extended period, you should be able to find this out as well. It is also good to know if there are any plants or animals to watch out for at your hiking location. Wiping with poison ivy won't feel good in the morning.

3. Wear clothing that works and fits the terrain and hike conditions. There are many options in your clothing arsenal, to keep yourself comfortable, here are a couple of pointers:

- Try and stay away from cotton. Instead, look for synthetic and natural fibers that pull moisture away from your body, or at least stay warm when wet.

- Also, go for layers to keep yourself warm, versus carrying around a huge parka, in case you are hit by a freak snowstorm.

- The two most important pieces of clothing for any hiker, are good socks and good shoes. Don't underestimate the pain a hike can cause with uncomfortable shoes and socks.

- Finally, a hat in cold weather is a great addition, since your body loses over half its heat through your head.

4. In addition to knowing the weather conditions, you will need to be prepared with a first aid kit that's appropriate for the hiking you will be doing. In most cases a simple kit will do. You can pick up a simple first aid kit at a local department or sporting goods store. Or you can build you own, which should include these basics:

- Different sizes and shapes of bandages and gauzes.

- Various types of tape for wounds or fixing tools.

- Suntan lotion.

- A light emergency blanket (preferably with some kind of water resistance).

- Aspirin, allergy, laxative, and anti-diuretic medications.

- Small multi-use tool with a knife, scissors, and a needle and thread.

- A cell phone can come in very handy in emergencies.

It's a good idea to pack all of this in a waterproof bag or container.

Using these tips, your next hiking adventure should be quite comfortable, safe, and enjoyable!

2005 Kathy Burns-Millyard. Kathy is a professionally published freelance writer and stock photographer living in Southeast New Mexico. You'll find some of her best articles and reports on small business, motivation, and marketing in the Brain Dump section of her main, Electronic Perceptions website. Please visit and enjoy!

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