Wednesday 14 January 2009

adidas shoes

adidas shoes

It is perhaps no more crucial to have the perfect shoe than in the sports that make up track and field. The proper shoe can make all the difference in whether or not you are successful or not in your track and field events and if you are a runner you know full well that the right running shoes are the most crucial piece of gear you can ever invest in as the right shoes can help you shave down your time.

First off, resist the temptation to go by looks from the start, just because a shoe looks good doesnt mean it will perform well. I have seen some of the ugliest shoes that were able to help a runner get the best time in his event, which is the most crucial thing you need to be concerned with. Be concerned more with fit and performance than with the way they look. Next you need to determine which type of running shoe you will need. If you are running long distance you will need an entirely different shoe than that of a sprinter.

A consideration that many overlook is that of pronation. Everyone has a certain way that their feet move upon stepping, for some they roll out and for others they roll inwards. To determine which category you fall into all you have to do is look at the soles of the shoes you have now. You are an under pronator if your soles are worn on the outer portion and an over pronator if they are worn more on the inside. If you do not have enough wear on your shoes to be able to tell then have someone that you run with watch you run and they will be able to tel you so you can choose the right shoe.

Some people pronate more excessively than others so that is important to know as well. You must determine this as well to be sure that you have the best performing track shoe for you. For those who are more neutral in their pronation you will require a shoe that is more flexible and balanced. For under pronators you need a shoe that is cushioned well, while over pronators will require motion control shoes.

After you have done the initial research to determine what type of pronator you are and the degree of pronation you need to consider the way the shoe fits. For a proper running shoe there should be very little space between the end of the shoe and your toes.

Gregg Hall is an author living in Navarre Beach, Florida. Find more about athletic shoes as well as sports shoes at

adidas shoes