Tuesday 13 January 2009

Got Beckham? Soccer Ball Logo Women's Babydoll tee Shirt in 6 Colors Small thru XL

Brand new item. Form-fitting babydoll style.

Regardless of whether its women's or men's clothing, I feel the price you pay has to equate with the quality of the clothing. As a woman, I know that at times, I can get a top or skirt for a better (read cheaper) price if I diligently look around because I have been across many times when I've bought something only to find that exact piece of clothing at a different store being sold at half the price. I'm sure all of you have experienced this situation before and it not only happens when it comes to clothes but to household items, gardening equipment, car accessories and so on. And believe you me; I'm not in the happiest of moods when that happens. So when I go shopping, I tend to look around more and compare prices. Also, in the clothing department, women have it better because there are more sales and discounts all year round compared to men. I don't blame men for this- I am guessing this is one of the reasons why men don't shop that often and tend to use the same thing over and over again till they can't wear it anymore.

So yes, when it comes down to buying clothes for men, my budget will allow me to reach at least $100 per shirt and this shirt has to be a certain brand- G200, Billabong, John Master, Adidas, Diesel, Dockers, Timberland, Echo, FILA, Habitat, Isaac Mizrahi, JC Penny and Quicksilver are brands that I can afford and I am willing to pay a certain amount of money to buy shirts from these brands because I feel they have quality and give a good pricing. They usually have a wide range of quality mens shirts which I would buy for a reasonable price.

If I was richer and need to buy a shirt for my man, then yes, I'd go for high end brands like Prada and Gucci but since I'm not, I'll settle for the average brands. Still, if a guy actually showed interest in dressing up and looking good and not like he just jumped out the bed everyday, I would invest in better brands seeing that he actually gives a damn with the way he looks. I would have the assurance that he would appreciate the piece of clothing I gave him and would take care of it. Not just spill ketchup on it or use the wrong washing methods.

Visit the site where you can buy mens shirts.

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